Youth Ministries
CFC offers many life-changing opportunities for our teenagers. Everyone is welcome, from the curious to the most experienced believer. Come make new friends and learn about the wondrous purpose for which God designed you.
Our goals are to: GROW in Christ as we share the good news, CARE for each other, LOVE God and one another, and REACH OUT to others in the power of the Holy Spirit.
Junior High Youth - "Connected"
CFC's youth in junior high (middle school) meet each week during the Sunday morning sermon for a time of teaching and sharing. We also get together for a variety of fun events each month. Check out the church bulletin board for more information.
High School Youth - "Transformed"
CFC's high school youth meet together regularly for fun and fellowship. We also have a monthly fun fellowship each month. See the News and Activities page for this month's events.
Youth Leaders
Jason & Stephanie Zientek